Attention Deficit Disorder
Attention Deficit Disorder

Schedule an Appointment

Attention Deficit Disorder ADD


Danbury Psychiatry Consultants

7 Old Sherman Turnpike

Suite 212

Danbury, CT  06810


Daniel Kelleher MD

        203 616-5234


FAX: 203 917-3046



Or use our contact form.

Office Hours

We are open during the following hours:


Mon     10am - 5:30pm

Tues    10am - 6:30pm

Weds  10am - 5:30pm

Thurs  10am - 6:30pm

Fri         10am - 3:00pm

Last Saturday of Month (some exceptions)

               10am - 5:00pm



Four consecutive weeks of hands on Training.


Understanding the Disorder in depth.

Rating scales- how to measure & diagnose.

Cognitive Training- tools to use.

Medication management.



Q & A with Board Certified Physician & Psychiatrist.


To register :

Call Linda  at  Danbury Psychiatry Consultants

203 616-5234

Attention Deficit Disorder ADD

  • Attention Deficit Disorder ADD is a Cognitive brain disorder with distractibility, poor attention procrastination, disorganization, poor completion of tasks etc. all of which can be made worse by environmental stressors and demands.


  • It has number of other elements including a mood disorder, irritability, impulsivity and anger issues which are often overlooked and mismanaged.


  • ADD exists  as a continuum on the Life Span spectrum from children to adults with  different presentations often hidden, missed or unacknowledged.


  • It is commonly both over & under diagnosed by both professionals and non- professionals.


  • We focus on all elements of ADD and provide tools and solutions to improve outcomes.


  • Providing a rating scale test for ADD-TSAT with interpretation and advice. At the  practice  we offer comprehensive testing and evaluation of  ADD/ADHD spectrum provided by  board certified  Physician/Psychiatrists  who  will recommend treatment with both Cognitive training and medication solutions.





 ADD - Primary signs.


  1. Inattention /Poor Focus
  2. Disorganization /Failure to complete Tasks
  3. Procrastination /Poor Time management
  4. Impulsivity / seeking “adrenaline rush”
  5. Difficulties in Multi-Tasking / Environmental stressors
  6. Day Dreaming / not listening
  7. Mood fluctuations /irritability
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